Seminar-09 (2022-2024)

Title - Consortia and Resource Sharing in Modern Librarianship 

Coordinator: Dr. Biswanath Dutta

Speaker: Anjali Chaurasiya 


As libraries continue to evolve, resource sharing and consortia are indispensable strategies that promise to shape the future of the Librarianship and uphold its core mission of facilitating access to knowledge for all. Resource sharing, as a cornerstone of modern librarianship, is imperative for ensuring equitable access to information resources, especially in an age of digital abundance. Consortia, on the other hand, bring together libraries and information institutions to pool their collective strengths, resulting in enhanced resource acquisition, cost-efficiency, and enriched services.

This seminar explores the multifaceted dimensions of resource sharing and consortia, emphasizing their paramount importance in addressing the challenges faced by libraries and information centres. By examining successful models, the seminar aims to equip library and information science professionals with the insights and tools necessary to navigate the dynamic information landscape and meet the evolving needs of their users.


Date: 27/10/2023 (Friday)

Time: 2 p.m.

Venue: DRTC Class Room (G-16), ISI Bangalore

All are cordially invited

Presentation Type