DRTC provides community services under the following programmes:

  • Research Programme
  • Training Programme
  • Advisory Service Programme
  • Employment Information Programme
  • Extension Programme
  • Continuing Education Programme
  • Publication Programme
  • Faculty Development ProgrammeObjectives of Different Programmes

Research Programme – The objectives of the DRTC Research Programme are (a) to guide research for towards fulfilment of requirements of courses
leading to various professional degrees; (b) to guide research leading to doctoral and similar degrees and their equivalents; (c) to promote, support,
carry out and conduct continuing research in the various fields of information sciences including documentation and library science; and (d) to or-
ganize meetings to help researchers exchange ideas among themselves.

Advisory Service Programme – The objective of the DRTC Advisory Service Programme is to render advisory services in the planning and development
of information centres including libraries, and of systems, programmes, services, tools and techniques.

Extension Programme – The objectives of the DRTC Extension Programme are (a) to disseminate new knowledge developed in DRTC through its Re-
search Programme; and (b) to help information centres in implementing and adopting new ideas.

Publication Programme – The objective of the DRTC Publication Programme is to publish and get published monographs, conference proceedings, periodicals, articles and papers, technical reports, course materials, etc. In the field of information sciences including documentation and library science.

Training Programme – The objectives of the DRTC Training Programme are (a) to offer courses of training in documentation and information science; (b)
to develop and apply appropriate methodologies of teaching and learning various topics; (c) to design course curricula to meet the requirements of
the different levels of professional education, and to keep the course contents up to date and noise-free.

Employment Information Programme – The objectives of the DRTC Employment Information Programme are (a) to establish contact with employing
organisations and promoting agencies, and to take note of their requirements; (b) to maintain a register of trained persons seeking employment; (c)
to maintain a register of job opportunities, and (d) to supply information about job opportunities.

Continuing Education Programme – The objectives of the DRTC Continuing Education Programme are (a) to provide opportunity to working professionals to help keep themselves up to date so far as the professional skills and knowledge are concerned, by organizing seminars, workshops, institutes, refresher courses, etc; and (b) to participate actively in continuing education programmes run by other professional agencies.

Over the years DRTC has developed and operated various services depending on the current trends and requirements of the library and information science community. Following are the additional web-based services provided by DRTC: