Title: Emerging roles of LIS Professionals
Presenter: Sanya Agarwal
In recent years, profound transformations have taken place in the treatment, access and use of information, leading to the emergence of several concepts that reflect specific functions performed by Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals. The objective is to identify the terminology related to emerging roles in the area of information science and the requirements and challenges faced by individuals to pursue a career in this field. The above changes in different era of development with the time span, made a lot of affect on librarians and information professionals in respect of their job opportunities, self-image, motivation, managerial skills and even survival.
In this Seminar, an introduction to the concept will be given. We will analyse the roadmaps which led to the changes, Evolution of libraries, Various roles of LIS professionals, Support for Developments and Possible Future Trends.
Coordinator: Dr.Biswanath Dutta
Date: 28/10/22
Time: 3:30 pm
Venue: DRTC Class Room (G-16), ISI Bangalore.